Write with Nouns and Verbs…

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

Source: Write at Home

Write with nouns and verbs.

No disrespect intended toward the other six parts of speech, but nouns and verbs are the meat and bones of writing.

Everything else is garnish.

Get your nouns right.

Make them concrete and specific.

Use cardigan instead of sweater and linebacker instead of football player.

Don’t philosophize about suffering when you could introduce your reader to a Marine widow and her fatherless infant.

And make your verbs lively.

Don’t walk if you can meander or strut.

Don’t just hit if you can slap, thump or pummel.

Writers should value every word, but wise writers give special attention to nouns and verbs.

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Kid’s books: honesty

Did your parents ever tell you “Honesty is the best policy?” But maybe you disagreed. Perhaps you thought that would only cause more trouble.  Let’s say one of the three of us broke our mom’s favorite vase. Naturally, our dad would ask which of the three of us broke it. He’d promise if we told the truth, we would not be punished. Our dad would scold us and remind us to be more careful. In the end, we were glad to understand the importance of being honest. My kid’s books highlight things like friendship, teamwork, honesty, and kindness.
A young lady named Charlotte McCourt is well acquainted with the values of honesty.Here’s what she wrote about one flavor of Girl Scout cookies she sells:
“The 11-year-old gave the Do Si Do cookie a 5 out of 10 score because of its “bland, unoriginal flavor”. Her most scathing 1/10 review was for the Toffeetastic; saying that it was “a bleak, flavorless, gluten-free wasteland”. Charlotte said,” She tried everything to make the cookies taste better including dunking them in tea or hot chocolate.”
*reblogged from dhdunne.blogspot.com and http://www.childrensbookswithlifelessons.com
copyright 2017: Deanie Humphrys-Dunne

Short Story Collection – An Angel Among Us is Now Here – Cover Reveal!


An Angel Among Us

Cover by John A. Spina


I am excited to announce that my short story collection, An Angel Among Us, is now available on Create Spaceand Amazon, and soon on KindleBarnes & Nobleand other online stores. I will post the other links as they become available.

Anne Gillis Benedetto BlWt

This book was a labor of love. It is dedicated to my courageous friend, Anne Gillis Benedetto, who passed on January 3, 2017. Everyone who knew Anne loved her. She had an infectious smile, wit, and the biggest heart of anyone I have ever known. She will be missed every day. This book, I hope, will help to keep her memory alive. I think Anne would have liked this book. I only wish I could have given her a copy before she died.

There are fifteen stories in this collection. There is something for everyone here.


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children’s books: fitting in

children’s books: fitting in

As a child did you strive to fit in? I did. Kids teased me because I couldn’t run and play the way they did. Today, I write children’s books to help build self-esteem, encourage sharing, helping others and teamwork. I also have written I book about a beautiful red horse named Charlene the Star, who doesn’t fit in because her friends have different talents. This is the first of the three children’s books in the “Charlene the Star” series.

Jessica Bird’s little girl, Nevaeh, was born with a birthmark called a “port wine stain” on her face. Nevaeh is five-years-old, but she never felt like she fit in. What did her mom do? She bought a doll and painted a stain on her face similar to Jessica’s. What did Jessica think? She loves the doll. Because of the simple, ingenious idea her mother had, now Jessica feels special. Don’t you think every child deserves to feel unique and gifted? I do. I’d like every child to know he or she has amazing abilities. If we all encouraged our children to find these skills and develop them, can you imagine how happy they’d be?

My parents always reminded my sisters and I we all had different skills, but no one is good at everything. For example, My sisters are excellent with anything requiring good coordination like driving a horse van or tractor. Besides, they learned any skill quickly. On the other hand, it took me much longer to learn those types of things. But while one of my sisters is an accomplished artist, I studied singing instead. Whatever I draw makes people laugh because they wonder what it is. So remember to celebrate your child’s skills, no matter what they are. Remind them anything is possible if you persevere.

for more on Nevaeh’s story follow this link:

Mom Draws Birthmark On Doll’s Face To Match Her Daughter (LOOK)

copyright 2017: Deanie Humphrys-Dunne

Celebrate the small things

Friday is here again. That means we can cheer about anything we want. Be sure to stop by LexaCain.blogspot.com to see what she and her blogging partners have to celebrate. Here’s what we’re celebrating this week:

  • We lost electricity twice today, but now, it’s back! We missed it, especially with the cold weather we’re not enjoying now.
  • A little party for “Fat Tuesday. We had extra stuff to eat and dessert.
  • My author friend, Janice Spina has a new book coming out soon.
  • My son found time to do some updates on my website. He did a great job.
What are you celebrating this week?
Thanks for stopping by.
copyright: 2017: Deanie Humphrys-Dunne
*reblogged from DeanieHumphrysDunne.blogspot.com

Insecure Writer’s Support Group

Welcome to this month’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group.

Purpose: To encourage writers who are struggling with various aspects of writing.

What am I insecure about this month? Trying to revise one of my books. You know how it is when you try different things. You think, okay this is coming along well. I think all the weak areas are fixed. Then the next day you wonder what made you think that? You keep finding more issues you didn’ t notice before, yikes.

This month’s question: Have you ever taken out a really old story and tried revising it? Did it work out?

I haven’t done that yet. Too busy working on the not-so-old ones. 🙂

Hope you have a great month, with only small worries.

Be sure to check out AlexJCavanaugh.blogspot.com

copyright 2017: Deanie Humphrys-Dunne

Website: http://www.childrensbookswithlifelessons.com

Author Spotlight – Jill Sammut

Writer's Treasure Chest



  1. When did you start writing? 

I wrote my first books at the kitchen table around the age of six.  Constructed with paper, crayons, and random staples, I even managed to design advertisements for future “books” in my series on the back of each creation.


  1. What motivates you to write? 

My current work is a series of chapter books for tweens.  The books celebrate children living with issues such as anxiety and cerebral palsy while encompassing a diverse set of characters.  Someone needs to tell the story of kids who are not typically well-represented in traditional literature.  Every time I hear from a reader who saw themselves reflected in my work, it motivates me.

  1. What genre do you write in and what made you chose this particular genre? 

I am currently writing books that target tweens.  A particular child with anxiety who couldn’t find…

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Celebrate the small things

It’s Friday again so we can celebrate whatever happened during the week. Hop on over to LexaCain.blogspot.com to check out what everyone is cheering about.
Here’s what we’re celebrating this week:

  • Bounce back day last week was pretty successful. No relapses. We’ve got a plan moving forward and for that we are grateful.
  • I received some very nice reviews recently so shout outs to Gigi Sedlmayer, Theodore. J. Cohen, Virginia Wright, and Yossi Lapid for the wonderful reviews. Also, special thanks to everyone who featured Charlene the Star on their blogs; Julie Flanders, Janice Spina, and Colleen Chesebro. You all did a fantastic job.
  • I recovered from one disappointing experience this week. Last week’s practice bounce back day helped.
  • Warm sunny weather for the last couple of days.
What are you celebrating? Have a great week.
copyright 2017: Deanie Humphrys-Dunne